August 21, 2016

Little M is blogging!

Moja malá M bloguje!

Ako som už vravela, blog bude aj o detskej móde, a tak je tu prvý outfitový post malej M. Keďže u nás je celé leto dosť chladno, tak letné šaty sme zo skrine vytiahli len minimálne. Väčšinou malá M nosila bodýčka (tá najpraktickejšia vec), legínky či tepláky a svetríky... 
Inak tomu nebolo ani včera, keď sme sa vybrali na našu každodennú prechádzku. Malej M som obliekla srdiečkové legíny, obyčajné modré body z H&M a rifľovú bundičku zo Zary. Samozrejme, nechýbajú topánočku Ikks.

K tým topánkam... Vyzerajú strašne pekne (veď aj cena bola pekná), no M ich mala obuté minimálne. Vždy si ich sama vyzula... Proste pre také malé bábo je zbytočné kupovať topánky. Nevyužijete ich, a nebude vás baviť zakaždým to obúvať na nohu, keď si ich vyzuje...


As I said, blog will be also about fashion for babies and kids... So this is the first outfit post of my Little M! Almost all summer was cold here, so we did not wear summer dresses a lot. Both of us. Usually Little M was wearing bodies (the best thing for babies ever!), leggins or sweatpants and cardigans.
The same yesterday... She was wearing leggins with heart, simple blue body from H&M, and jeans jacket from Zara. Of course, shoes that I bought at Ikks...

About these shoes... It is so cute and nice, but really, you do not need shoes for baby of 5months. Little M was wearing it maybe five or six times. All the time she removed her shoes by herself and I was tired to put it back on her feet all the time... If I had known this, I would not have bought it.

leggins Eurodif, body H&M, jeans jacket ZARA, shoes Ikks


  1. What a qutie!! Nice blog you have!


  2. Ah, the little outfit is just adorable! Thank you for commenting on my blog too :)
